AMA Recap: The Dude x Heroverse

DudeSignals AMAs
10 min readSep 26, 2021


On Sunday, August 26th 2021, the Dude community had the opportunity to chat with Daniel Dung, CEO and Co-Founder of Heroverse: a “play-and-earn” match-3 puzzle game/RPG hybrid with high production values and a focus on player enjoyment first, and earning at a close second.

This will be a recap of our interactions, along with all the questions asked by our chat members.

The Dude:
Thank you for taking the time to be with us here today to discuss Heroverse.
Why not introduce yourself first?
What’s your background, and what have you worked on before Heroverse? 😊

Yes, big thanks to everyone here interested in our project. I’m Daniel — ceo and co-founder of Heroverse. I am here to answer anything you would like to know about our project. Hope we will have a nice conversation together.

About myself, I used to be the Co-founder of Onterative (Outsourcing and UI/UX Design Company) and the CTO of Minet Asia (Providing Influencer marketing platfom Company). I love technology and use it as a base for other projects I’m involved in. When I knew about Game NFT, I wanted to create a great game from my experience, so I stopped working at that time to create Heroverse.

The Dude:
So you quit your previous occupation to pursue Heroverse as a passion. That’s really, really admirable!
But what motivated you to create Heroverse specifically?
Was it a perceived gap in the market, or just the drive to create a unique crypto game?

Hmm, there are 2 reasons why I created HeroVerse actually

The first reason, since I was a child, I have played many games and made money from selling accounts or in-game items, most of them are quite famous games and are made very carefully in terms of graphics and gameplay. When I found out that NFT Game can make money, I do not know why the gameplay is so simple (I later learned that it is very difficult to balance economy in complex games) and I know I can do more than that.

The second reason, the number of users playing traditional games is much more than the number of people playing NFT games, but there are many barriers for traditional players to access NFT games, gameplay is the biggest barrier. And I want to solve this problem, the traditional game market is very potential.

After much research, I chose Match-3 Puzzle game genre combined with RPG Strategy and created HeroVerse.

The Dude:
It’s really nostalgic and interesting to know someone that’s huge into crypto also sold game accounts to other people as a child 🤣
You’re right that most crypto games are incredibly simple and repetitive. It has to be hard to find ways to limit player input, lest they find a way to break the game’s economy in some way.

Yeah, when talking about games, I immediately remember my childhood 😆😆

The Dude:
So, what is it that makes Heroverse so different from these other games? What exactly does it mean to be a “play-and-earn” game as opposed to a “play-to-earn” game?

We are using Play-and-earn model instead of play-to-earn-model. That mean, we focus more on the gameplay to increase the player’s experiences, more effort with art and design, more “brain” in gameplay to have a game with skill, not just simple sample that we get bored in 1–2 days, more careful with plaining. To put it simple we elevate the game to higher level comparing what other games are doing and will do.

The Dude:
Right, you’re focusing more on actually being fun and enjoyable to play, as opposed to a brain-dead clicker game or idle game.
You’re putting the fun aspect at the forefront, along with earning.
It’s a really good selling proposition. “This game was made with love and it’s actually fun”.

That’s right.

The Dude:
Could you tell us more about the match-3 puzzle/RPG hybrid system?
What inspired this combination?
Do you have any other video games that you enjoy that inspired the creation of Heroverse?

Actually yes, pls take a look at it :

You can see a lot of Puzzle and RPG games at the top of the charts here.
Gameplay of HeroVerse is quite similar to Puzzle & Dragons with 8 billions of revenue.
It is a perfect choice for the traditional game player.

The Dude:
So it’s very clear that you also took inspiration from Japanese gacha games.


The Dude:
I’m sure most people know what a match-3 puzzle game is like, but what about the RPG side?
Could you tell us more about that?
Further, on your website, it says that market movements can impact the game. How exactly does the market influence your character’s stats?

In addition to puzzles, we will have other features of RPG games such as: PVP, Clan, Discover Tower, Hero, Pet, etc

“The market influence your character’s stats”, I think you are talking about Crypto Hero Mechanism, this is a pretty cool feature in the game, it increases the uniqueness of the Hero.

We will assign a crypto medal to each hero. Those cryptos will be the top coins in the market like BTC, ETH or BNB. The power of the hero will increase or decrease depending on the trend of coins at that time.

For example, when the player is checking the BTC that is uptrend, he will use the BTC Hero to fight in the game because that hero will be stronger

At this point, our major Audience is NFT Player. They have the experience and knowledge to be able to join the game right away.

The Dude:
Right, so the market acts as a sort of buff to the hero that has a medal from a particular coin that’s pumping. Very interesting.
It’s an interesting way to incorporate the market into the game.

It doesn’t have much of an effect on gameplay, but in PVP you’ll need to calculate a bit.

The Dude:
Speaking of PvP, do you plan on creating an e-sports scene around the game, or at least a ranked system?

Sure, players will be able to fight with each other, or with their clan to fight with other clans, ranked system is definitely a must in RPG Game.

The Dude:
Competitiveness usually drives these games, that’s true. Glad we talked about it. But a lot of people just want to relax and play games casually after work or school, so, does the game feature an explorable hub world/open world?

What else is there to do besides PvP?

In addition to PVP, players can explore the world in the game or do daily tasks, don’t worry because the Match-3 Puzzle game genre is easy to play and attractive to users.

The world in the game is very large, you can see there is a map in the game, and that map will be constantly updated, each area in the map will have many gates you need to explore.

But in the RPG Strategy game, the gameplay is mainly about fighting, if you don’t want to do it or too busy to play, you can rent out your Hero to make a profit.

The Dude:
So you have the puzzle aspect, which ties into roleplaying and buffing your character with the market’s current state, plus an explorable world, and a scholarship system similar to Axie where you can borrow and lend heroes.
Not to mention the gorgeous art and a focus on fun and gameplay above all.
I’m very, very excited to try the game 🤩
But first, since you spoke of profit, could you tell us more about the game’s token?
What uses does the $HER token have?

You just mentioned axs, and yes, we have 2 types of token like Axs:
- $HER is pre-minted token, the governance token of Heroverse. The holders will use that Token to buy Heroes and Gacha
- $HES is unlimited token, the in-game currency that player can earn while playing and can spend on almost game features.

The Dude:
Thank you for clearing that up.
So, if players want to buy heroes and run the gauntlet on a gacha, they need $HER tokens.
How much will it cost for a new player to start playing the game?
Do you give out anything for free for new players?

HeroVerse does not use the Free-to-earn model, it is easy to cause economy imbalance in the game.
We plan to sell 50$ for 1 Hero Box, for every 1 Hero Box you can open random 1 Hero with any rarity, if you are lucky you can unlock high value Hero.
Or right now, you can staking Her tokens for 1 month to claim Hero for free (with profit of course)

The Dude:
Right, so if a player wants to get a head-start on the game, they should start staking tokens to earn a free hero. If it’s for the sake of keeping the game’s economy balanced, then I suppose it makes sense.

Yes, the fact that players can start playing games for free, it is easy to cause inflation

The Dude:
How is the roadmap of the game right now?
Do you have any particular accomplishments made during the project that you would like to share?
Do you have any partnerships coming in the future?


Heroverse’s roadmap

I see we have an advantage that the gameplay is done, the game is in the process of balance-testing, We will release beta in October and release in November.
About new partnership, we’re constantly looking for new partnerships, our partnership list is constantly being updated.

The Dude:
I see the sales and gachas start next month…

Yes, we are preparing for it, we will have the countdown for gachas in tomorrow.

The Dude:
I was just going to ask for a release date too, that’s incredibly close!
Most game projects out there don’t even have a release date or don’t even have any real gameplay to show. The fact that you’re not only putting gameplay at the forefront but, that you’re almost ready to launch is incredibly bullish.

So, speaking of dates, when is your IDO?
Where and when will I be able to buy $HER tokens?

We had our IDO on the 23rd of this month, and you can buy $HER on Pancakeswap (HER/BUSD).

The Dude
I think we pretty much covered all the bases here, Daniel.
How about we start the community round?


>I as a Gamer are busy playing games and don’t realize the facts about technology/Blockchain World is also there for them to change. So how does HeroVerse educate gamers who are not knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies and things related to blockchain technology?

Daniel responds:
This is a great question, we will have measures to entice traditional gaming users into the NFT game world even though it is not mentioned in the roadmap.
- Create communities for traditional gamers who want to join the game NFT
- Create tutorials using Livestream, video, text, etc
- There is a mechanism to reward old players if it is possible to guide new players to join.

If possible, I think traditional game players will not refuse a game with good gameplay that help them make profit.

>I have used axie infinity from the beginning. Recently I started to understand heroverse just because of my friends , so I did research on it.
I see you advertise the game as Play-and-Earn instead of Play-to-Earn. Unlike most NFT games that only focus on earning, you are more concerned with the player’s experience. That’s really impressive.!!
But I still want to ask you this question. Do you think Heroverse has the same or better core attributes required for sustainable growth as Axie?

Daniel responds:
With NFT games, I think making money is important, but good gameplay is the decisive factor for the game to develop in the long run. AXS is very good, but we believe we will be able to compare with them.

>Could you go into detail about tokenomics and the vesting schedule?

Daniel responds:

>You say that unlike most NFT games that only focus on winnings, HeroVerse relies more on the player experience in and out of games to create a balance to play and win. Does this mean that the game has a better long-term economy and it is not possible for the game to lower its performance because they give a lot of winnings? What would be the balance differences between HeroVerse and other common NFTs?

Daniel responds:
Yes, we say we will focus on gameplay does not mean we reduce the ability of users to earn money, focusing on gameplay will help players feel more comfortable and relaxed during the game and earn money.

>How can I play the games? Is there any tutorial or is it possible to play demo to get more familiar with the games before investing our money into it?

Daniel responds:
You can play demo in the next month, but if you want to know more about the gameplay, you can see in our Youtube channel :

The Dude:
I think we covered a decent amount of info.
Thank you, Daniel!
And thank you again for telling us all about Heroverse!
We wish you and the team good luck!

Thank you! Goodbye everyone.
Heroverse social media:



DudeSignals AMAs

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